Hotel Car Park Management - Solve Your Parking Issues

A well-managed car park is an essential component of any hotel's operations.
Your car park will be the first thing your guests use.
To create a great first impression.
It's essential to manage it well.
If you have uninvited people using your parking spaces.
This can cause many problems for your guests and hotel staff.
You want your guests and staff to be able to find parking spaces all the time.
This ensures a great customer experience.
If you have the right hotel car park management system.
This can prevent unwanted people from using your parking.
What is hotel car park management?
Parking management is using tools and signage to create a system and rules for parking in your car park.
I will go over all the solutions you might want to use.
Solution 1 - Charge everyone and allow everyone to park

Allowing non-hotel guests to use your car park is good if you have enough free space already for guests.
Then you can generate extra revenue.
If you don't want to allow them and only want guests and staff using your car park scroll down for solution 2.
If you want to charge everyone for using your hotel parking you will need:
Pay & Display Machines

These are payment terminals that you install in your car park.
You can accept cash and card payments for parking.
We can install and maintain these for you for free.
If you want to read more about them click here.
Online payment system

This car park management system allows you to accept payment for parking.
Using an online payment dashboard or website.
It is easier to set up for payments and you don't need any machines.
It is the fastest way to accept payments.
You can use it alongside pay and display machines as well.
Payment Systems
These two are the best options for those who want to charge everyone.
The benefits of these payment systems:
- Generate extra revenue for your hotel
- Prevent unwanted parking
- Easy system for guests to use and set up themselves
- Issue parking charges to those who don't pay
With this system, you will be able to use parking enforcement.
Parking enforcement
Parking enforcement is issuing parking charge notices,
You can issue these to vehicles that break the rules of your car park.
For example in this instance if someone didn't pay for parking in your car park.
You could issue them with a parking charge notice.
This creates an excellent deterrent to stop unwanted parkers.
What if you only want to charge certain people and don't want some people parking at all.
Solutions 2 - Only hotel guests and staff parking
If you don't have enough space to invite non-hotel guests this is the best solution.
Permit Parking System

You can use a permit system.
Issue digital permits to guests and staff when they are using your car park.
We provide you with an easy online dashboard to use so you can input their registrations.
We can also provide a tablet kiosk in your reception.

when guests enter your reception they will be met with a kiosk.
It is very easy to use and they just have to enter their registration.
The benefits of this system:
- Only guest and staff will be permitted to park.
- No extra admin for your staff
- Prevent non-guest parking on site
To read more about our permit system click here.
You can also use this with parking enforcement.
Any people who still park even if they are not guests will be issued a parking charge.
Again this is a great deterrent to stop unwanted people from parking in your car park.
Solution 3 - charge guests and don't allow non-guests
The last solution is for those who don't want the public to park on-site, but want to charge guests for parking.
You would simply use a combination of systems.
Pay & display for guests to pay.
Enforcement so you can issue parking charges to non-guests and non-payers.
More About parking management solutions
To summarise all the systems we use:
- Pay & Display
- Permit Systems
- Enforcement
- ANPR Cameras
All of these systems can integrate with each other.
Depending on the circumstances of your hotel parking we can help you choose the right set-up.
More about ANPR cameras

ANPR cameras are another more efficient way of doing enforcement.
Normally when you do parking enforcement you will issue a ticket on the windscreen of a vehicle.
A warden would patrol your site or you would do it yourself.
However, with ANPR cameras, you can do this automatically.
You just need a camera at the entrance of your car park.
The ANPR cameras detect all vehicles that enter.
The back office system then syncs with the cameras and shows you if they have the authorisation to park or not.
If they don't we can issue a parking charge notice through the post.
This catches all the vehicles breaking the rules and is a bigger deterrent.
This means it's the best way to maximise your car parks.
Read more about ANPR here.
In Summary
Choosing the right parking management system for your hotel parking comes with many benefits.
- More free space for guests
- Better customer experience
- Generate extra revenue
- Less admin dealing with car park problems yourself
These parking management services we provide free of charge at no cost to you.
Why choose our parking management services?
We have over 20 years of experience with parking management.
We manage car parks all across the UK including hotels.
All of which have unique parking issues which we have solved for them.
We have all the accreditations with The IPC to issue parking charge notices legally.
Contact us today for a free consultation!