Car Park Management For Restaurants & Pubs

Is your pub or restaurant parking full of unauthorised parking?
People who are using other Local businesses are using your available space?
Are people parking vehicles overnight and reducing your space availability?
Maybe local residents are stealing space in your parking area?
If so it means you don’t have the right parking management and enforcement system set-up.
Making sure your car park runs smoothly is essential to your business.
You want customers to be able to find parking space at your car park when they visit.
As this gives your business great first and last impressions.
This will encourage repeat visits as the customer experience was smooth.
The first experience customers have is with your car park, so you need to make sure it’s a good one.
The Benefits of Pub & Restaurant Car Park Management

We will go over all the ways having the right car park management system can improve your business.
More Free Parking Spaces
If you use parking enforcement and car park management you can free up more parking space.
The more space you have the more customers you can attract.
Save Your Admin Time
Don’t worry about managing your parking anymore.
We deal with all the car park admin for you.
You can focus on your business.
Generate Extra Revenue
If you decide to charge people and accept payment to park.
This will be an extra income source for your pub or restaurant.
Happier Customers
More free space & better parking management is going to improve your customer experience.
The better the customer experience the more likely they are to return.
Parking Solutions

Now we will break down and go into each different type of parking system.
Depending on your preferences will determine which system or systems you need.
If you want to charge certain people or allow it free for certain people.
Or do you want to charge everyone?
All these systems explained below can work with each other.
You don’t just need one system.
Permit System

If you don’t want to charge genuine customers you can have a permit system set up.
You will receive a tablet kiosk in your reception.
Your customers just need to enter their registration into the unit when they enter the building.
You will also receive an online dashboard.
Where you can enter the registrations of any vehicle you like.
These vehicles will be able to park for free in your car park.
The benefits of this
- No paper permits that can get lost or be hard to manage.
- Very easy to use for customers and staff.
- Allows you to offer free parking for customers and staff.
- We set up and maintain the system for you free of charge.
Read more about our permit systems here.
Pay & Display

For those people wanting to charge for parking on their car park.
Pay and display is your best option.
We can set up pay and display machines in your car park free of charge.
These are simple-to-use machines.
Along with machines, we can set you up with an online payment system.
People can then prepay online using their car instead.
The benefits of pay & display:
- Generate revenue for your business.
- Deter Non-customers parking there.
- We set up and manage everything for you free of charge.
- Simple and easy-to-use systems.
Read more about our pay and display here.
Parking Enforcement Patrols

With both options above you will need parking enforcement to enforce the T&Cs of your car park.
For example, if you use a permit or pay & display system.
Then someone parks in your car park without a P&D ticket or permit.
With parking enforcement, you can issue them with a parking charge notice.
We would patrol your car park and issue parking charges to any vehicles without permits or P&D tickets.
All we need to do is install signage around your site.
This can be branded to your business as well if needed.
We have all the accreditations to issue parking charges on your behalf as well.
We will also handle all the admin and appeals for you.
The Benefits of Parking Enforcement:
- Great deterrent to non-payers & non-customers.
- Free up parking spaces for paying customers only.
- We set up and carry out the service free of charge.
Read more about parking enforcement patrols here.
ANPR Parking Cameras

Lastly, you can use ANPR cameras.
This is another method of parking enforcement.
Instead of your site being patrolled by someone.
We install ANPR cameras on the entrances and exits of your car park.
These read all the vehicles that enter and exit your car park.
They store the images and registrations of the vehicles or our secure back office.
This means we can issue parking charge notices remotely without visiting the site.
The benefits of ANPR cameras.
- No confrontation on-site or at your business as with issue charges through the post.
- More efficient - ANPR camera captures all the unauthorised vehicles in your car park.
- We set up and maintain the cameras free of charge.
- Gives you statistics on your car park use which can help make better business decisions.
Which Solution is right for you?
This depends on who is allowed to park in your car park.
We will cover all the solutions.
Solution 1
You only want customers and staff to be able to park in your car park.
You don’t want non-customers to park on-site.
In this situation, you would use the following.
Permit System.
Customers can enter their registration into the tablet kiosk in your reception.
Or into the online system.
Staff vehicles can be entered into the online system.
Parking Enforcement Or ANPR cameras.
You can use enforcement and/or ANPR to issue parking charge notices.
Any vehicles not on the permit system will be issued a charge.
Solution 2
You want to charge everyone for parking.
You would just need to use Pay & Display so people can make a payment.
Then you would use enforcement or ANPR to issue parking charges to non-payers.
You can also use a permit system with this as well for if you still want staff or business owners to park for free.
Solution 3
Customers and staff park for free, but you want to invite non-customers to park on-site if they pay.
This is good if you always have enough free space in your car park and want to make extra revenue.
You would need a permit system, pay & display and enforcement of ANPR.
You would issue parking charges to non-payers or non-permit holders causing a parking violation.
In Summary
There is a solution for whatever type of set-up you need.
We can work with you to create the best solution for your business.
Why Choose Our Services?
If you are interested in using our services here is why you should.
We manage pub and restaurant car parks all across the UK.
We found successful solutions for each of their car parks.
All of which have different set-ups and situations.
All their businesses have improved since implementing a proper car park management plan.
The other benefits:
- We are fully accredited with The IPC and DVLA to issue parking charge notices legally.
- Our service is free of charge and we take care of it all for you.
- We can install fast normally within a few weeks.
- Cancel any parking charge - If you want to request the cancellation of a parking charge we will do so no questions asked.